in the muddy middle
there are times with some pieces that feel messy and unclear in the middle of working on them. this is one. it brings to mind a phrase i hear from artists often, in effect, 'i'm not sure if the piece was done 5 minutes ago or it will be in done in 5 minutes.'
i do like this, and i also know it's not quite done. feels like blue rain to me. yes, rain can be blue, internally at least. (acrylics on 10x8" recycled canvas [thank you Nancie]).
i like most of my paintings in all their phases, and take photos during the process. sometimes there is regret i didn't stop a while back but usually there's no going back. it still informs though, which helps with moving forward. that's true with life, too, a lot. can't go back, there's only now, and forward. art is life & life is art.