art is central to our souls
art is essential to our being. we are all artful in our own thumbprint-kind-of-way. non-written art reaches us in a visceral, nonverbal, sometimes joyfully delightful, sometimes achingly deep soul-full way.
i hope my art connects with you and uplifts you in ways that you need, that mean the most to you. i am honored and moved by all who like and want my art to be in their world.

Artist photographer writer poet
i am a child of snow, ocean, awe, singing, prairie, words, forest, rain, lake, wonder, dancing, creek, curiosity, silence, stones, joy. being an artist has become an important way to express what i'm of, see-feel, and appreciate. it has invited me into a portal to make sense of the world and myself, and to bring beauty and meaning to our communities, our world that thrives best when there is art abundant.